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Inexpensive Way to Build a Wood Privacy

Inexpensive Way to Build a Wood Privacy Fence

How do you build a privacy fence out of wood?

One of the best covers for your garden is a wooden fence. You can build a wooden fence to your liking and in a variety of styles. If you want a lot of privacy you can create a high fence, while others prefer a low fence around their yard for a custom feel.

A wooden fence has several advantages, no matter what type of wood you choose. This wooden fence is also less expensive than a fence made with other alternative materials. Deficiency This fence is usually quite difficult to maintain in the long run due to its perishability from elements and weather. However, with a few tips, you can do the maintenance and repair yourself, even build it yourself.

Advantages of using wood as a fence material

Similar to other fences, wooden fences have many advantages. In some cases it is easier to build than other materials like metal fencing. You can even install it yourself instead of hiring a professional carpenter. The materials and tools you need to build a wooden fence can be found at any hardware store. You can more easily adjust the height of the fence and add elements to your wooden fence more freely, such as: B. assembling your wooden fence with metal screws. You can make everything one color or even paint your designs on your wooden fence. Wooden fences have a higher decorative value than metal ones. Make sure you can add a wooden fence to your home.

Build your wooden fence

Are you interested in your wooden fence? The following necessary steps can help you complete your work if you are creating it yourself:

Determine location

You have to decide where to build the fence. Start by marking the location with a couple of pins and rope. Fences are usually built along property lines, but be careful not to cross the boundaries of neighboring properties. If that happens, sooner or later you should immediately improve the location of your fence.

Determine the height

For what you install, the fence determines how high the fence you will build. Generally, the height of a privacy fence is about six feet and that of a picket fence is about three feet.

Make sure you get all of the materials you need before doing this. Prepare the items you will need such as post drill bits, tape measure, hammers, nails, drill bits, circular saws, and your own fence posts. You can buy anything you need from a hardware store.

Mount the fence post

After all of your preps are done, the next one gets easier when you start setting up the final post. Determine the angles at which fence posts will be installed. Then make a hole by digging a hole about thirty inches deep. Only then can you put your posts in the hole and make sure the posts are level. Then fill the rest of the hole with soil or a mixture of sand and cement.

Lay vertical boards

In the next step you can place additional posts between the last posts. It is recommended that separate posts be placed an average of eight feet apart. Remember that all posts are the same height. You can use piping made from ropes attached to a pole with nails for inexpensive and easy use. You can use the same technique to set this post as in the final position.

Install horizontal boards

Next, horizontal boards were mounted along the fence on the posts that previously stood fence posts. You can install 2 x 4 boards according to your needs. They are usually fastened with nails and mounted on the top and bottom of the vertical bar.

The next step is to complete the installation of the vertical boards along the fence section. After everything is installed, you should close your wooden privacy fence with a high quality waterproof sealer.

How to maintain and repair wooden fences

Wood is an organic material that, compared to metals, tends to wear out quickly. This is because it is subject to natural weathering over time, either from exposure to other elements or from insect activity. It is therefore advisable to regularly maintain your wooden fence, for example by applying a waterproof sealant.

When painting the fence, occasionally add a coat of paint to your fence color. You can replace a badly damaged fence post. Or simply by adding reinforcements to repair rotting wood. The key to keeping your wooden fence looking great and providing privacy or decoration to your home and garden is maintenance.

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