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The aesthetics of a locket necklace

The aesthetics of a locket necklace


One of the things that always come to mind at the thought of the different objects used for personal adornments are necklaces, rings and brooches amongst others. These ornaments are specially made from precious metals and stones. Usually, they are made of fine designs. Furthermore, they are specifically designed and worn to improve the beauty and status of the different wearers. Again, they go as far as also defining the cultural, religious and even the social status of the wearers within a particular community. When the purpose is to show the economic status of the wearer, the items are extremely expensive. On the other hand, they are usually colorful and appear in rare designs and styles when the purpose is for adornment and also to draw attention. In time past, some of these accessories where worn by warriors and also highly placed members of the military to show their different ranks and personal achievements. Some of these pieces of jewelries are customized too. One of the most currently fashionable pieces of these items used for personal adornment is the locket necklace.

Locket necklace

A locket is a piece of jewelry that usually hangs from necklaces. They always open to show a space that is used to store picture and other items. Unlike other types of jewelries, they are more valuable and special in that they have a space or compartment where one can always place things for sentimental purpose. Thus, they are often used to represent love and friendship. They however usually come in different forms such as charms and bracelets. In most cases, they are generally worn on chains usually around the neck often holding photo of the wearer or who presented the locket as a gift. It is pertinent to know that they usually come in different shapes. Most of their shapes are usually oval, circles and are mostly made of valuable metals like gold and silver thus displaying their aesthetical values.

Things to put in your locket necklace

One of the most common items to put in your locket necklace is the photo of yourself or a loved one. However, one should take an already existing photo and crop it perfectly to fit the size and shape of his or her necklace. Another important item to put in your locket necklace are written messages with great and romantic ideas. Also one can write a heartfelt message that will remind him or her of a favorite quote. It is noteworthy to know that the aesthetical values of a locket necklace lie in the fact that one can always customize it to suit their very choice, purpose and style.

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